Looking Back,

I realize my childhood was all I could ask for!

Growing up on a farm in Maryland surrounded by horses, goats, chickens and many other animals, was a memorable experience. My Dad took care of the place and most of the animals, including the dogs, while my mom took care of us kids and the horses. At one point, each of us had our own horse! That might sound crazy, but my mom actually used them to give riding lessons and other things. She was no amateur either. There were some 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons and medals in our home from horse shows and other competitions. She also won Trainer of the Year with the Maryland Dressage Association.

Fast forward, and my dad and I live in Tennessee now. We moved here in 2015 to help our grandad with his cattle ranch. All that experience on the farm up north is really paying off! I’m riding on horseback checking pasture and I’ve trained my dog to round up the cows… Just joking, but that would be fun! It’s hard to believe that 10 years has already gone by. I went without having a dog for a while. And now that I have Chief, I realize again how much a good Labrador Retriever can lighten the mood and make life more enjoyable! Now, I want to enrich other people’s lives by giving them the same thing.

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